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新春稅務生活大講座 北美華人會計師協會與國稅局聯合舉辦1月30日重磅登場

发布日期:2021-01-22 00:00:00

活動名稱: 2021 牛轉乾坤,送鼠(輸)迎(贏)牛新春稅務生活大講座





新春稅務生活大講座 北美華人會計師協會國稅局聯合舉辦




Angel Peil 裴映棋 權威保險總裁


裴映棋出生於台北,八十年代末隨家人移民美國。畢業於UCSD。在家族的強烈要求下,眏棋開始在EPIA inc. 權威保險公司負責宣傳。2012年父親在睡夢中突然過世,她一夜之間肩負起了管理公司的責任。她穩固現有客戶,增加新的客源,並在宣傳開發和客服上下苦工不為人知。公司也在2014年後從專精健康人壽的“權威健保”轉型為全方位服務包括勞工產物險,資產規劃,服務小型到100人以上的新保險公司:“權威保險”。在眏棋成為公司總裁後,公司客戶人數增長人數五倍以上, 營業額也日漸增長。除了事業上的蒸蒸日上,家庭也其樂融融,從誕生一個兒子到再生下兩位雙胞胎小公主。她也經常應邀在各大電台,電視台等主流媒體主講,並主辦定期講座,教導新移民的自身保障。她在《世界日報》,《中國日報》,《台灣時報》,《Chinese Daily》,《美國東森電視》和KAZN 1300廣播電台都曾有過特約欄目。她在權威保險社交平台上舉辦每月知識性分享講座。最近她還獲得了信誠國際年金部精英代理人和Healthnet前十最佳代理人的殊榮。

她傳承父親在世對社區的貢獻,積極回饋社會,並獲得各種社團榮譽,比如世界華人工商婦女企管協會南加州分會2018年第五屆金冠獎和世界獅子會茂文鐘士獎等。她設立華航學生獎學金,成為獅子會會長,並參與世界華人工商婦女企管協會南加州分會副會長,Brea市商務廳董事成員, 亞洲商業協會, BroadStreet合作夥伴,全國健康保險協會(NAHU)等。她還為北美會計師協會舉辦的教育性講座演講,為人力資源的專業人士提供CE課程。她秉承家庭,事業與慈善並兼的理念,向未來前進。

Angel Peil was born in Taipei and immigrated to the U.S. in the 1980s with her family. She graduated from UCSD. Under strong demand from her family, Angel began to take charge of marketing at EPIA Insurance Agency. Her father, Eric Peil passed away suddenly during his sleep in 2012. She took over the responsibility to manage the company overnight. She maintained current clients, increased new customers, worked hard on marketing and customer service. After 2014, EPIA transformed from Health Insurance specialist to providing comprehensive service to small companies to midsize companies of over 100 persons. Products include workers’ compensation insurance, property / commercial insurance, estate planning. After Angel became CEO, clients increased over five times, business volume rose. She gave birth to one son and two twin sisters during this time. She was often invited to broadcasting institutions to give regular speech on new immigrants’ self-protection through insurances. She was featured in the World Journal, China Daily, The Taiwan Times, Chinese Daily, ETTV America, and KAZN 1300 radio station. She shares monthly knowledge through seminars on EPIA social channels. She recently received the honor of AIFG Elite Agent Annuity pision award and Healthnet Top 10 Agent.

She follows her father on contribution to the community and society. She received a series of Community awards, such as 2018 the 5th Golden Crown Award, Melvin Jones Fellowship Awards and so on. She has set up China Airlines Student scholarship, became president of Lions Club, Global Federation of Chinese Business Women Southern California Chapter, Brea Chamber of Commerce, Asian business association, BroadStreet Partners, and National Association of Health Underwritters (NAHU). She spoke at Sino-American Certified Public Accountants Association (SACPAA) educational seminars, and hosted classes for HR Professionals. She is also passionate for her family, business, and building for a better future.


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Name: Amanda T. Leslie (唐巍岚)

Outline of Experience:

畢業於英國牛津大學碩士學位,在美國保險理財投資行業近二十年的專業經驗,多次獲得保險百萬圓桌QOT大獎。目前在AIFG信誠國際保險公司,她熱愛她的保險理財專業,熱愛關心每一位客戶,以客戶利益為第一,贏得客戶的好評和不斷的推薦。AMANDA 也一直非常熱心於社團公益事業,活躍於國際獅子會17年,曾經擔任幾屆分區主席和ARCADIA 獅子會的會長.‘幫助人很快樂’她一直這麽想和為社團默默付出。AMANDA 陽光快樂的個性和純熟的理財專業知識讓許多客戶給予很滿意的評價!AMANDA目前還是國際領袖基金會(ILF)洛杉磯分會的理事, Arcadia警察局基金會理事, 北美華人會計師協會副秘書長



#1 Christine Stone, CPA

Topic: International Tax Compliance: Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures



Instructor Name: Christine Stone

Title: CPA , OVDI Technical Specialist海外資產披露審計專家


Outline of Experience:


Christine joined the Internal Revenue Service in 2001 as a Revenue Agent after managing a family tax business and practicing as a CPA in the metropolitan Boston area, which focused on tax services for high net worth clientele and auditing in the construction industry. 

During her 20 year career with the Service, Christine has been a member of an Abusive Transaction Avoidance Taxation (ATAT) team where she successfully managed several high profile §6701 Preparer Investigations resulting in permanent enjoinment, and participated in high priority offshore programs, including the Jade Project, Offshore Credit Card Program and the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDI).  Since 2014, Christine has served as the national coordinator for Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program, Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures and the recently updated Voluntary Disclosure Practice.

Currently, Christine is a Technical Specialist for the Offshore Arrangements International Practice Network which specializes in the use of offshore structures to conceal beneficial ownership of foreign entities, foreign financial accounts and other assets used to avoid/evade U.S. Tax.

Christine曾管理家庭稅業務並在大都會波士頓地區從事CPA工作,主要致力於為高凈值客戶提供稅收服務以及建築業的審計。於2001年加入國稅局,擔任收入代理人。 在服務部門的20年職業生涯中,Christine曾是濫用交易避免稅(ATAT)團隊的成員,在該團隊中,她成功地管理了幾項備受矚目的永久禁止的§6701調查工作,並參加了高優先級的離岸計劃,包括翡翠計劃,離岸信用卡計劃和離岸自願性披露計劃(OVDI)。自2014年以來,Christine擔任離岸自願披露計劃,簡化的申報合規程序以及最近更新的自願披露實踐的國家協調員。 目前,Christine是離岸安排國際業務網絡的技術專家,該網絡專門研究使用離岸結構來掩蓋外國實體,外國金融賬戶和其他用於避免/逃避美國稅收的資產的實益擁有權。

#2 Robert Chang (張紘)

Topic: 納稅人辯護服務處; 介紹和申報35208288表註意事項

Description: 男人穿着襯衫描述已自動生成


Instructor Name: Robert Chang (張紘)

Title 現職: 國稅局 納稅人辯護服務處 (TAS) 經理

Intake: 408-283-1500 / 877-777-4778

Address: 55 South Market Street (Ste 410), San Jose CA, 95113

Office: 408-283-1509

Fax: 855-453-2809

Email: robert.h.chang@irs.gov

Outline of Experience:

Robert 自2005起任職於聯邦國稅局經歷各式稅務查帳 (Examination) 和協助低收入納稅人服務處 (Low Income Taxpayer Clinic 及改進稅務系統對英文有限的納稅人提供超過170種語言口譯及翻譯服務. 在國稅局之前, 他曾任職大型公司財會相關領域. 在私人時間方面, 自2005的15年中, 每當報稅季節來到前他都會熱心的與社區服務機構合作為低收入戶和年長者提供免費報稅服務.  至今, 已在全美建立15個雙語免費報稅中心每年服務大約1500 – 2000 家庭 / 納稅人.

Robert畢業於普度大學 (Purdue) 會計 / 管理系和明尼蘇達大學 (Univ. of Minnesota) 研究所稅法 (MBT) 系.

#3 Fiona Ma

Topic: California State Resources for Small Businesses


Instructor Name: Fiona Ma馬世雲

Title: California State Treasurer加州財務長

Outline of Experience:

Fiona Ma is California’s 34th State Treasurer. She was elected on November 6, 2018 with more votes (7,825,587) than any other candidate for treasurer in the state's history. She is the first woman of color and the first woman Certified Public Accountant (CPA) elected to the position. The State Treasurer’s Office was created in the California Constitution in 1849. It provides financing for schools, roads, housing, recycling and waste management, hospitals, public facilities, and other crucial infrastructure projects that better the lives of residents. California is the world’s fifth-largest economy and Treasurer Ma is the state’s primary banker. Her office processes more than $2 trillion in transactions within a typical year. She provides transparency and oversight for the government’s investment portfolio and accounts, as well as for the state’s surplus funds. Treasurer Ma oversees an investment portfolio of about $103 billion, $32.2 billion of which are local government funds. She serves as agent of sale for all State bonds, and is trustee on outstanding debt of $93 billion.

Fiona Ma是加州第34任財務長。2018年11月6日,她以7825587張選票當選,超過了該州歷史上任何一位財政部長候選人,她是第一位當選該職位的有色人種女性和女性註冊會計師。加州財政部長辦公室是1849年根據加州憲法設立的,它為學校、道路、住房、回收和廢物管理、醫院、公共設施和其他改善居民生活的重要基礎設施項目提供資金。加州是世界第五大經濟體,Fiona Ma是該州主要的銀行家,她的辦公室在一年內處理的交易通常要超過2萬億美元。她為政府的投資組合和賬戶以及州的盈余資金提供了透明度和監督。財政部長Fiona Ma負責監管約1,030億美元的投資組合,其中322億美元是地方政府資金,她是所有國家債券的銷售代理人,也是930億美元未償債務的受托人。

4 Ben Raju

Topic: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) 貸款項目解析



Instructor Name: Ben Raju

Title: District Director, LA office SBA


Outline of Experience:


Ben Raju is the District Director of the SBA’s Los Angeles District Office, serving Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties. As District Director, he is responsible for the delivery of SBA programs and services to aspiring and existing small business owners, SBA lenders and partners, which include business advisory services, capital access programs, entrepreneurial development, international trade development and contract procurement assistance.

Throughout his federal career, Mr. Raju has represented the SBA in various capacities throughout the United States, including as a representative in SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance, and as Assistant District Director of Lender Relations, and most recently as Deputy District Director for the Los Angeles District Office where he was responsible for providing the leadership, management and oversight required to optimize the deployment of all SBA programs and services. While he is passionate about utilizing his experience and assisting the perse small business communities.

As District Director, Mr. Raju continues to engage the District’s many resources, ideas, industries, and cultures to create a strong eco-system where commerce can continue to thrive locally and have a dynamic influence globally.

Mr. Raju can be reached at lado@sba.gov

(link sends e-mail), or by phone at 213-634-3855.

Ben Raju是SBA洛杉磯地區辦公室的地區總監,服務於洛杉磯,聖塔芭芭拉和文圖拉縣。作為地區總監,他負責向有抱負和現有的小企業主,SBA貸方和合作夥伴提供SBA計劃和服務,包括商業咨詢服務,資本準入計劃,企業發展,國際貿易發展和合同采購援助。




#5 Peter Lu呂旭明 會計師

Topic: 大陸、台灣資產國際化與 進入美國保險信託或家族信託的永續傳承

Instructor Name: Peter Lu呂旭明會計師

Title: 台灣安致勤資集團總裁,中國、臺灣註冊會計師


Outline of Experience:







《Estate Planning by U.S. Trust-英文、中文雙語》


#6 Rebecca Wang 王焱會計師 and Gilbert Shen沈靖

Topic: 高凈值美國稅務居民在中國投資和資產配置的稅務考量

Instructor Name: Rebecca Wang 王焱會計師

Title: 德勤(北京)稅務合夥人

Tel : +86 10 8520 7885

M: +86 13681207702

E-mail: rewang@deloitte.com.cn


Outline of Experience:


Rebecca Wang is a partner at Tax and Business Advisory Services Department of Deloitte’s Beijing office. She has more than 20 years of experience in the tax profession specialized in providing inpidual income tax services to multinational companies, state owned enterprises, private owned companies, law firms and high net worth inpiduals. With international working experiences in China, Belgium and United States since 2000, Rebecca has extensive experience in inbound and outbound international assignment structuring, global compensation and benefits structuring, equity incentives consulting, inpidual income tax compliance and consulting and social security consulting.

Rebecca's client portfolio includes companies and inpiduals in the sectors of technology, media, telecommunication, financial institutions, venture capital, entertainment and etc.

Rebecca is an Enrolled Agent with the IRS and Australia CPA.









王焱女士是IRS註冊稅務代理(Enrolled Agent)和澳洲註冊會計師

Instructor Name: Gilbert Shen, 沈靖

Title: 德勤(北京)稅務總監

Direct: + 86 10 8512 5554

Email: gilbertshen@deloitte.com.cn

16/F, China Life Financial Center

No. 23, Zhenzhi Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100026, PRC



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