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发布日期:2018-04-19 00:00:00

凤凰华人资讯网消息(记者 许亮亮)4月18日上午,亚利桑那州华人侨团代表杨文田,王盛君约见州参议院和众议院议员,分别向州参众两院递交了关于抗议SCR1027共同决议案的信函(见下文)。


亚利桑那华人华侨联合总会理事长、福建联谊会会长杨文田,美中国际合作交流协会会长王盛君将抗议信函亲手交给参议员余艳芬(Kimberly Yee)的办公室秘书黛博拉·戈麦斯(Deborah  Gomez)。  戈麦斯女士代表余艳芬参议员接收了抗议信。




亚利桑那州华人社区坚决反对 “支持台美双边贸易协定和台加入国际组织”法案的声明

Statement against "Concurrent Resolution Supporting a Taiwan-United States Bilateral Trade Agreement and Taiwan's Participation in International Organizations" by the Chinese Community in Arizona

美国亚利桑那州参议会和州众议会于本月3日通过所谓的“支持台美签署双边自由贸易协议及支持台湾参与国际组织”(A concurrent resolution supporting a Taiwan-United States bilateral investment agreement and Taiwan's participation in international organizations) 的第S.C.R. 1017号参众两院共同决议案。

A so-called concurrent resolution supporting a Taiwan-United States bilateral trade agreement and Taiwan's participation in international organizations was adopted by the senate and house of representatives of the State of Arizona on April 3, 2018.


Representing the Chinese community in Arizona, Arizona Chinese United Association(ACA), the preparatory committee of the Greater Phoenix Council for China's Peaceful Reunification, Fujian Overseas Friendship Association, and over 60 local Chinese American associations and organizations express grave concerns over the introduction and adoption of the bill by some Arizona senators and house representatives. The Chinese community in Arizona are resolutely against the passing of the Resolution and keep up a sturdy opposition to the implementation of the Resolution.


As is well-known, the One-China Principle is the ultimate political foundation for the China-U.S. relations. The Resolution has seriously violated the principle and the Three Sino-U.S. Joint Communiques. In the current situation in which the economic and trade relations between China and the United States have been tortuous, we strongly urge all Arizona congress people and government politicians to push forward bilateral relations between U.S. and China, especially between Arizona and China, but not the other way, to advance the goals for the development of China-U.S. reciprocal and collaborative relationship.


Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China. The Taiwan issue is the internal affairs of China. Tsai Ing-wen authorities refuse to admit the 1992 Consensus of one China, resulting in a critical impact to the peaceful development of the two sides of the Straits. Passing of the Resolution is due to ignorance of the history and reality of Taiwan, of the fact that the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing China, sending the Taiwan separatists a wrong signal. We urge all Arizona congress people and government politicians to learn about the origin of Taiwan issue, to take serious consideration of the sensitivity and complexity of Taiwan issue, do more in helping maintain peace and stability in the region.


Reunification of China is the common aspiration of all Chinese people across the Straits and all the overseas Chinese including those in Arizona. The Resolution goes against the mainstream public opinion and seriously hurts the feelings of local Chinese community. We urge all Arizona congress people and government politicians to listen to electorate's voice, pay close attention to their opinions, protect the state interest of Arizona and the well-beings of people in Arizona from being affected.


As an important recall, we notice that the goods export from Arizona to Mainland China reached 1.2 billion U.S. dollars in the year 2017 with a year-on-year growth of 102%. China has become the 2nd largest export market for Arizona, amounting to providing 15,500 job positions for Arizona each year.  The total number of students from China studying in Arizona has reached 9,000 by this year.  And these numbers are increasing year by year. We urge Arizona congress people and government politicians to face up to and treasure the achievements and growth momentum in the cooperation between Arizona and China, to continuously advance the reciprocal cooperation between Arizona and China.


Representing the Chinese American community in Arizona, we stand firmly against the Resolution, strongly urge Arizona congress people and government politicians to repeal the resolution for the state's own interest, to stop any endorsement and side-taking for the Taiwan separatists both in words and in actions, not to support any official contacts with Taiwan district of China and its participation in any international organizations, to get back to the right track of One-China Principle, to take real actions for maintaining and pushing forward the friendship and cooperation between U.S. and China.




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